Pigeons and other birds can cause extreme damage to your solar panels. How to protect solar panels from birds? We’ve compiled a list of solar panel proofing tips that can help protect your residential property.
#1 – False birds of prey
A not very common method to protect residential solar panels from birds is by using falcons and fake birds of prey. This method of scaring birds is fantastic; it’shumane and cost-effective. This low-cost bird deterrent can successfully prevent birds such as pigeons from nesting under your solar panels. This method of protection can only be used before the birds nesting under the solar panels. If birds are already present, then the fake birds of prey will not work. Fake birds of prey are easy to install and require no power from batteries or electricity. This can be an effective method of deterring a small number of pigeons, but for a mord robust and more effective technique you should implementing one of the other methods – such as spikes and mesh.
A popular method of protecting solar panels is to fix mesh around the sides of the residential panels. This method deters birds from accessing the area as it will be blocked off with mesh. This innovative method is built to keep all birds away from your residential solar panels, protecting your investment from damage. This method is easy to install and can be removed for cleaning and maintenance.
#3 – Spikes
A relatively new product, spikes are a humane way to protecting residential solar panels from birds. They do not cause pain to the birds; instead, they act as a wall to prevent pigeons and other birds from gaining the area and being able to nest under the panels. Bird spikes are known as a high-quality method of deterring birds. The base is manufactured to perform at the highest temperatures and winds. So no matter your environment and location, spikes should be your first choice.
our company is first professional bird control products manufacturer in China. We are the creators you can trust on for a perfect solution to all your needs. If you want more product info, please contact our experienced sales rep for exert advice!